About the Artist:
Jamieson Mulholland is a professional Cinematographer and Photographer based in the US. He began the 30 year portrait project in the fall of 2015 as a personal passion project. You can find his cinematography work at www.JMulholland.net
What is the 30yr Portrait Project?
The 30 year portrait project is a photographic time capsule. The idea is to make portraits of interesting people for 10 years, and store them for an additional 20 years. In 2045 a book will be submitted for publication. The photographs will take on a new life when viewed through the lens of time. They will not only give us a valuable look backwards, but also forwards. The 30 year portrait project strives to show us the effects that time has on our cultures, styles, and generational energies.
There are many ways to finish a photograph. We frame, we matte, we photoshop. We also place photographs into specific spaces or contexts that increase or decrease interest and value. A gallery, a subway, the Smithsonian, or Time Magazine- the context of a photograph is very important to how we interpret it. Many things can change an image in form or function after it has already been captured. Time, in many ways, has the biggest affect on photographs. A photograph of President Kennedy looks very different today then it did the week it was taken. It is exactly the same image, but looks completely different to us; more importantly it means something completely different. The 30 year portrait project seeks to use time as an important aspect of image creation.
This Website:
This website serves as a small peek into the work in progress. It also serves as a way to share photographs with the subjects themselves. The main goal is to create a book, but I feel no need to keep all of the photos hidden from the world until then. I will continually update and post new work. If you are the subject of any photograph, please feel free to download for personal use- I only ask that you credit me as the photographer if posting to social media. To use photos for any other reason, please contact me directly. Thanks for looking!
For booking inquiries or image purchase, please send an email to JDMphotography@gmail.com